
Tales of Heritage Antiques


المشروع الثقافي الأول من نوعه في المملكة يهدف إلى اكتشاف القطع التراثية النادرة المتوارثة بين الأجيال وهواة جمع التراث، والتي تعد واحدة من أهم كنوز التراث المحلي المجهولة لحفظ التراث الثقافي المادي السعودي.

أهداف المشروع:

Classification of collectibles

                          The piece can be of local, regional or world heritage.

Parts registration conditions:

Tales of Heritage Antiques

The nawader platform is a bridge connecting the past and the present, built by collectors and heritage preservation. The pieces exhibited by the collectors evoke different emotions and memories, and are associated with deep values and meanings. It tells personal and local stories, highlights the methods of collecting collectibles, and works to stimulate inspiration, cooperation, exchange experiences, and transfer images and events from previous times to the new generation in a language that they understand and accept by integrating modern technologies to view exhibits and learn about the historical or personal stories accompanying each piece displayed.
 The collection on display at the stand includes various artifacts, each of which is associated with a different story. A single piece in the collection may evoke stories that differ according to the imaginations of the visitors who view it, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the individual identity of each of them and reflecting their own outlook on life.
Share by writing your story with this piece and your memories.

فعاليات معرض نوادر

  • تقام فعالية معرض نوادر سنوياً في كل منطقة من مناطق المملكة ويتم جدولتها بالتنسيق مع امارات المناطق وهيئة التراث.
  • يتم فتح التسجيل للقطع عبر منصة نوادر طوال العام.
  • بعد انتهاء فترة تسجيل وتوثيق القطع التراثية في المملكة، يتم إقامة فعالية نوادر في كل منطقة من مناطق المملكة لغرض عرض القطع المؤهلة للعرض.
  • يقام في الفعالية مزاد للقطع التي يرغب ملاكها في عرضها للبيع عبر المزاد ويكون المزاد متاح عن بعد الكتروني و في المعرض. عبر تطبيق نوادر للمزادات بحيث يتم وضع عرض الزيادة عبر التطبيق.
  • تقام فعاليات فلوكلورية شعبية من المنطقة ضمن الفعاليات.
  • يصاحب الفعالية برامج تثقيف وتوعية وورش عمل عن أهمية الحفاظ على التراث المحلي لكل منطقة.

How it works

Register your owner's account on the Nawader platform
Register your antique pieces in the platform
Upload clear photos and video for each piece.
Write a description and details of the piece and historical information about it.
Share by writing your story with this piece and your memories.
Issue a documentation number for each piece.
View the pieces, your story and memories about them on the platform, get acquainted with the opinion, comments and rating of visitors.
The pieces that receive the highest rating from the public are invited by their owner to be displayed at the first Saudi heritage rarities exhibition.
You can choose to make the item available for sale via nawader online auction or set a price for direct sale.

Register your owner's account on the Nawader platform


Registering the holdings on the platform and issuing a certificate and authentication number for each piece.


Upload clear photos and video for each piece.


Write a description and details of the piece and historical information about it.


A specialized committee to sort, classify and evaluate the pieces.


Display the pieces on the site for voting by the public.


Displaying the most important pieces in the first Saudi heritage anecdotes exhibition.


Holding an electronic auction on the pieces that the owners wish to sell.

Nawadir partners

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